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Primary 1

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Enjoying Relax Kids with Paula, what a great way to start the week!

Enjoying European Day of Languages!

Making delicious apple crumble! Thanks to Mrs Murphy for bringing in the apples.

Number games in the ICT suite

Starting our Sounds Write

Reading fun with our buddy! Each Tuesday we will bring in a storybook from home and our P.7 buddy will read it to us.

Learning about Instructions! We have been learning about using instructions to help us make things and play games. We have written our own instructions for making bird feeders!

As part of our shared education we have been working with locl artist Leon Hughes. We made fridge magnets, a keyring and painted a beautiful winter picture on canvas.

Celebrating Grandparents' Day. We enjoyed some afternoon tea and treats with our grandparents!

We had a fab time on World Book Day! We even had a visit from the Gruffalo!
