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Year 4

Year Four celebrated Outdoor Education Day by learning outside. We made 2D shapes using string and then we made 3D shapes using our bodies. Then we had to make a palate of colours using nature before we finally did a minibeast hunt.

Our visit to St.Patrick's P.S.

Having fun on Pancake Tuesday!

What a performance from Year 4 - actors and actresses of the future!

Year Four Work on their balancing and gymnastic skills

Guess what we spotted when we went Bird Watching?

Remember your four steps to staying safe online!

Primary 4 had a busy morning making St. Brigid crosses. They had a few VIPs to help them!

Year 4 had some fun after Christmas dinner.

Year 4 Class Photo

Congratulations to all the Year Four children who took part in the very important enrolment ceremony on Monday 19th November 2018. We joined all our friends in St Patrick's Church for a lovely evening of prayer with Father Moore.

The Year Four chlidren created posters for Friendship Week 2018. Well done to Olivia, Tiernan, Lily and Fionn for the fantasic, colourful posters!

Year Four planted a selection of conkers and acorns! Mrs Lagan helped us.

BOO! Don't we look scary!!??

For Halloween we made chocolate apples.
